Download the 80-page Business Unusual Guide to help you get the most out of your management reports during uncertain times.

We explain how Fathom’s benchmarking analysis enables you to compare the performance of multiple businesses (or business units) in a single view, across

Regular communication with key business stakeholders is now more vital than ever. Here's how Fathom helps you improve communication so that you can navigate the business through potentially leaner months.

Regular management reporting is essential during challenging times. We explain why and list what you can be included in management reports to improve communication.

We explain why forward projection trend charts and forward projection P&L statements (Income Statement) are useful in an economic slowdown.

The Goalseek analysis in Fathom helps you to answer the ‘How do we get there?’ question and may be a useful tool for exploring scenarios and the impact of potential tactics.

We explain the drivers of working capital and how you can monitor these using Fathom. Drivers include Account Receivable days, Accounts Payable days, and Inventory days.

Cash is vital during periods of economic downturn. Use our Cash Flow Waterfall chart to easily visualise the flow of funds through your business.

We speak with Fraser Lusty, Director at Edinburgh-based Equity Gap, a group supporting and investing in emerging and growing businesses.

Assess the individual performance of each department, location, profit center, divisions, or any other business segments, and answer questions on revenue, expenses, and more.

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