Reporting remix: How advisors are customising Fathom reports for clients



Ever wondered what other advisors’ client management reports look like?    

In this Expert Series Remix, we bring you three top US advisors showing us how they are customizing Fathom reports to tailor financial insights for their clients.  

Automating reporting processes doesn't mean delivering generic results to clients.

You’ll hear from:  

  • Keila Hill-Trawick CPA: Founder and CEO of US firm, Little Fish Accounting. Keila is a 2024 Forbes Top 200 Accountant and Member of Intuit’s Partner Council.
    (Full interview Ep4)  
  • Patrick Ball CPA: Director of Technology, Innovation at US firm Aprio, a top 100 accounting firm named the fastest growing US firm by Accounting Today.
    (Full interview Ep3)  
  • Geni Whitehouse CPA: Accounting Today Top 100 Accountant, Founder of The Impactful Advisor and President of the Information Technology Alliance (US).  
    (Full interview Ep2)  

From a boutique accounting firm to the US’s fastest growing firm, we cover three different approaches and what’s working for:

  • successfully bridging the communication gap with clients
  • showing value as an advisor, and  
  • providing tailored insights to help a business succeed.  

Learn how to

  • Structure management reports with custom graphs and tailored information for clients using 3 top advisors’ examples.
  • Ask questions and clarify information with clients using the report to open up a conversation.
  • Scale automated reporting across a range of clients while offering a valuable, personalized service.
  • You can reach out to any of Expert Series guests via LinkedIn to ask questions – they’re happy to connect.

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About your presenter
About your presenters
Keila Hill-Trawick (Summary)

Keila Hill-Trawick | Founder & CEO, Little Fish Accounting

Connect with Keila on LinkedIn | Little Fish Accounting

Patrick Ball (summary)

Patrick Ball | Director, Technology Advisory Operations

Connect with Patrick on LinkedIn | Aprio

Geni Whitehouse (summary)

Geni Whitehouse | Founder, The Impactful Advisor

Connect with Geni on LinkedIn | The Impactful Advisor


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