Personalised advisory: How to win over SME clients



Darren Hull CA, Director at Venter & Hull Chartered Accountants, shares his expertise and process for taking a highly personalised approach to growing advisory services.

Episode nine is packed with Darren’s key learnings as we uncover the value of personalisation in building trust as well as growing firm revenue.  

Venter & Hull serve smaller SME clients in a range of industries and personalise both the delivery and pricing of their business services.

Darren shares his learnings on:  

  • Building trust with clients  
  • Delivering value to clients speedily and regularly using management reports to open conversations  
  • Not needing to be an expert on everything for the client
  • Using visualisations and graphs to break down financial knowledge barriers with clients  
  • Collaborating with clients to customise reports and KPIs and increasing client ownership

PLUS don't miss Darren Hull’s video walk through (video below) showcasing three real-life client reports custom built for Venter & Hull’s clients: Watch here

Learn how to

  • Set up three customised client management reports
  • Use custom KPIs to help clients measure metrics tailored to their business and open up conversations about problems and opportunities.
  • Enhance client engagement tailored to a client’s business goals and capability.
  • Deliver value speedily to clients with easy to scale and customised management reporting.

Product walk-through

Dive deeper into Fathom

Darren Hull walks through three real-life client management reports explaining the tailored customisations and custom KPIs chosen for each client.

About your presenter
About your presenters
Darren Hull

Darren Hull, CA | Director, Venter & Hull Chartered Accountants

Based in New Zealand, Darren has worked on both sides of the business fence and gained extensive experience from his years in the corporate sector.

Drawing on his commercial experience, Darren works with clients on business strategy, planning, management assistance, and business mentoring.

Passionate about helping business owners solve their daily challenges, Darren offers practical assistance to manage and grow clients’ businesses supported by the Venter and Hull team.  

In his spare time, Darren likes to keep active and is a keen golfer.

Connect with Darren on LinkedIn | Venter & Hull  


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