New: Enhanced Actuals vs Budget Reporting

April 30, 2024

Get up to speed with the latest Fathom product news. Here’s a quick wrap-up of the features we’ve recently released.

Transform your financial data into clear insights to share in reports with stakeholders. See how our latest product releases improve the reporting and forecasting experience.

Reporting on Actuals vs Budget

Are you trying to determine if you’re expected to land under or over budget by the year-end? 

Previously, you were only able to compare Actuals YTD with Budget YTD, so you could track actual performance against the budget up to the current period.  

Now, you can compare Actuals YTD + Budget against the Full Year Budget, enabling you to quickly understand how the business is projected to perform compared to the budget through the end of the year. 

Actuals v Budget – YTD 1

When adding columns to a Financials table, you’ll find the new ‘YTD actual + budget v Budget (FY)’ options under the variance sections, as well as in KPI tables and KPI comparatives tables. 

Actuals v Budget – Select 2

Another tip? The 'Projection (YTD Actuals + Budget)' column has been an option in Fathom for a while. If you’d like to include it in your Financials table, you’ll find it under the ‘Other’ columns option when editing the table. 

Activating account codes in your forecast 

Do you have multiple accounts with the same name? Do you know a business’s account codes better than the account names? Do you struggle to differentiate between a heading and an account with the same name when building a formula in your forecast?

You can now turn on account codes in forecasting! If activated, the account codes will appear: 

  • On the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet in the forecasting grid 
  • On the microforecast grid 
  • In the formula builder when building a formula value rule 
Actuals v Budget – Account Codes Forecast Grid 3

You can activate account codes in your forecast from the button in the top right corner of the forecasting grid. 

Actuals v Budget – Activate Account Codes 6

Also, when downloading your forecast to Excel directly from the forecasting tool, you can now include account codes. The account codes will appear on the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet statements in the downloaded Excel report. 

Actuals v Budget – Forecast Account Codes Download 5

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