Guide: practical advice on implementing tech at your accounting firm

June 22, 2021

You may have missed our recent South African-focused webinar in conjunction with Dext and Iridium Business Solutions. If so, don’t worry. We’ve put all the great insight and information from our guests in to a handy new guide. What’s more, we’ve added extra detail and graphics to help illustrate some of the key learnings.

As we heard in the webinar, Dext’s 2021 survey of over 500 SMBs in South Africa showed that 57% of them see their accountant as a business partner. That means working smarter and harder with clients, to both add value, and develop strong relationships.

The right technology used correctly helps your firm achieve that at scale; freeing you up from doing tasks you can easily automate. Dext’s suite of applications in conjunction with Fathom’s analytics, reporting and insight tools, makes for a powerful offering to your clients.

Peter Magner, Director of Iridium Business Solutions, believes that any new technology you're thinking of investigating should go through four distinct stages. Evaluation, Implementation, Scaling and Review.

Evaluation, Implementation, Scaling and Review.

By following these processes, you can deploy technology in your firm without overwhelming the rest of the team, or your clients.

As Peter advises, “it’s not just about signing up to a piece of technology so you can get a 10x return in a month. It’s about process improvement that results in a better client experience”.

The final piece of the jigsaw is Community; your peers, colleagues and network both locally and around the world. Peter knows that the wider community can be a great source of inspiration, advice and support on how they've deployed technology.

So what are you waiting for? Download our guide today and get your firm's technology stack future proof and ready to start helping clients grow.

And if you liked this, we’ve several other guides, ebooks and whitepapers covering everything from funding client’s growth plans to business KPIs you should track.

And if you’re not yet using Fathom, start your 14-day free trial today using the link below.

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