From webinars to whitepapers, here’s the best of our learning resources

September 3, 2020

As our recent education articles highlight, accountants today live in an age of lifelong learning. And so we thought it might be a good idea to gather all our learning resources in one place so you can stay up to speed and on top of your game.

Free whitepapers and guides

Reporting when it’s not Business As Usual

In June, we put together 12 blog posts on using Fathom to help see your clients or business through lockdown and beyond. And though those conditions have eased somewhat, they’ve certainly not gone away. The verdict from accountants who downloaded it? Well, in the words of Paul Barnes at MAP, “that’s impressive”. So if you missed our Business Unusual series, you’ll be pleased to hear you can get them all as one handy PDF here.


Download now: Business Unusual guide

Tracking essential KPIs

At Fathom, we know how important KPIs are to the health of your business. So we’ve teamed up with our friends at Seedstars and together, we’ve put all our knowledge, tips and experience into a free handy e-book. It’s packed with tips, examples and advice on questions such as:

  • How do I review my existing KPIs or define new ones?
  • How do I set the right targets for my business KPIs?
  • What’s the best way to build (or streamline) a reporting system?
  • What are the tools and reporting systems in the market?

How to sell advisory services using Fathom

Geni Whitehouse, CPA firm partner, author and TEDx speaker shares a practical framework on how you can use Fathom to sell business advisory services to new or existing compliance clients. You can get Geni’s downloadable guide below, as well as check out her videos on Advisable.

Download now: How to sell advisory services using Fathom



The team here at Fathom run regular demonstration webinars in your timezone every Wednesday and Thursday (you can register for one here). But if you can’t make it, we also have several recordings available.

Consolidations webinar

Processing consolidations manually in spreadsheets takes time and can often be prone to error. Not only that, but the information might not always be the most up to date. At Fathom, we eat these problems for lunch. In this webinar we showcase Fathom’s consolidation and benchmarking functionality and how you can use them with your clients or business.

Watch: Consolidating financials used to be painful, not any more

Consolidating financials used to be painful, not any more_blog

Revolut webinar

In July, we partnered with Revolut on a joint webinar. The topic was how to save cash, trim costs, and generally have a leaner business, with specific examples of cost-saving strategies and actionable outcomes. If you missed it, it's now available on-demand.

Watch: 'Trim costs, save cash' webinar

Video guides and articles

Fathom is a great tool for helping clients understand their business’ numbers, but if you’re new to Fathom, you might not be quite sure when and how to introduce it to clients. We've pulled together some short videos and articles that show you how and when to showcase Fathom, win remote clients, and start that advisory journey.

Watch: Presenting Fathom's interactive Management Reports remotely

Read: Using Fathom with clients for the first time

Case studies

Shorts case study

Malcolm Pope, Audit and Accounts Partner at Shorts, tells us how Fathom has saved the team time and helped increase monthly revenue, while also being much easier to use than their previous reporting software.

Read: How Fathom helped this UK advisory team increase monthly business advisory fees by an average of £300 per client


Franchise customers

And if you’re a franchisee or franchisor, then don’t miss our customer story with Australia-based O’Brien Group. They’ve been long term advocates of Fathom to help grow their operation and plan for the future.

Read: Fathom helps O’Brien Group save time and add value to their franchisees

Start a free trial

So there you have it, resources to ensure you and your team stay up to speed on how to best use Fathom with your clients. And if you're not a Fathom user right now, you can start a free 14 day trial and start seeing just how powerful and easy to use it is. 

Ready to try Fathom?
Start your 14-day free trial. No credit card required.
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