Using Fathom to streamline bookkeeping and build understanding

November 27, 2016

Zenkeep is a digital bookkeeping firm, based in McKinney, Texas, focused primarily on managerial accounting and providing relevant, reliable financial statements for their clients.

Zenkeep originated in 2012 with just one director and has since, scaled the bookkeeping industry by utilizing the best processes and technologies to streamline small to medium businesses.

At Zenkeep, they believe it is vital for business owners to understand the complexities that follow their business decisions. Zenkeep removes the financial stresses and highlights the key areas for owners to discuss in order to gain 'business Zen'.

Our team interviewed CEO and Partner, Dave Willson to gain insight on how Fathom has integrated into Zenkeep’s business routine.

The journey to Zen

Zenkeep is a Xero exclusive company that streamlines the bookkeeping process for small to medium business owners. They aim to produce prompt, relevant and reliable financial statements, assisting SMBs in making informed and sound management decisions. Zenkeep is passionate about giving client's the tools and support to generate and manage revenue.

Streamlined bookkeeping

Zenkeep integrates Fathom into their business routine and client meetings as a time effective, discussion tool. Fathom assists in streamlining the bookkeeping process by producing a visual representation of the key insights in client's financial data.

“We are able to produce key insights for business owners in a way they have never had access to before.”

"By using Fathom the process is quick and easy, clients have never been happier, they no longer spend hours creating or explaining data," says Willson. Fathom simplifies the process while remaining engaging, insightful, and meaningful.

Understanding financials

"Our favorite tools are the ‘Breakeven Analysis’ and the ‘Trend Tool’."

The ‘trend analysis’ helps to track business performance and trends of financial and non-financial KPIs and metrics. Whereas, the ‘profitability analysis’ evaluates a company’s ability to generate profits, as well as the ability to visualize a company’s break-even point and margin of safety.

“Using these tools, I am able to discuss with our clients the difference between their fixed and variable costs and explain how much it takes to make $1 of sales” Willson stated.

To learn more about how Fathom can help your business thrive, visit

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